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  • Climate, Hope & Science: The Science of Happiness podcast

    Ice caps are melting, forests are burning, and people are suffering. How could we possibly feel hopeful?

    In a new series by The Science of Happiness podcast, we explore the intersection of environmental well-being and our own well-being, it’s helpful.

    Episodes coming April 22, 2023.

    All Episodes
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Episode 105: Why We Give Thanks

Episode 105: Why We Give Thanks

Thank you. Gracias. Merci. Every language has a word for gratitude. But why do we feel it? How can we experience more of it? We revisit some…

Episode 100: 100 Good Things

Episode 100: 100 Good Things

For our 100th episode, host Dacher Keltner sits in the guest chair and tries one of the most popular happiness practices.

Episode 90: Why Love Needs Laughter

Episode 90: Why Love Needs Laughter

Focusing on funny things can reduce stress, anxiety, and make us feel more connected to others. Our guests, who were high school sweethearts,…

Episode 88: How Music Soothes Us

Episode 88: How Music Soothes Us

What is it about certain melodies that can relax our nerves and rock us to sleep? We explore the science of calming music with pianist Rosey Chan.

Episode 79: How to Give Up a Grudge

Episode 79: How to Give Up a Grudge

What does it really take to forgive someone? And why should we do it? Our guest, psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, tries a practice to let go…

Episode 78: Why Voting Connects Us

Episode 78: Why Voting Connects Us

Why do we vote? We explore the science behind what drives us to the polls, and the benefits we reap for ourselves and communities when we…

Episode 75: A Cure for Loneliness

Episode 75: A Cure for Loneliness

Feeling lonely? Former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy learns why focusing on the quality of our relationships, not the quantity, can be an…

Episode 59: Who Is Your Rock?

Episode 59: Who Is Your Rock?

He survived the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, two years ago and has been a student mental health advocate ever since. Now Kai Koerber…

Episode 45: Facing Your Fears

Episode 45: Facing Your Fears

Heights. Public speaking. Death. Our Happiness Guinea Pig explains how she overcomes her fears, one small step at a time.

Episode 38: How To Let Go of Anger

Episode 38: How To Let Go of Anger

Are you still mad at someone who hurt you in the past? That can eat away at your health and well-being. Our Happiness Guinea Pig tries a new…

The Science of Happiness at Work

The Science of Happiness at Work

What would make you happier at work? Featuring several of our Happiness Guinea Pigs, we share the latest insights and research on well-being…

Episode 19: How to Stop Dwelling

Episode 19: How to Stop Dwelling

Are you stuck ruminating about the past?  Legendary skater Tommy Guerrero tries looking at negative events from a different perspective.

Episode 14: What Are You Afraid Of?

Episode 14: What Are You Afraid Of?

Would you rather swim with sharks or give a speech before thousands of people? Discover how this week's happiness guinea pig tackled one of…

Episode 12: Feeling Angry? Try This

Episode 12: Feeling Angry? Try This

For years, Dan Harris of ABC News was plagued by anxiety, depression, and streaks of anger. Here's how he learned to tame the voices in his…

Episode 1: Three Good Things

Episode 1: Three Good Things

Do you take the good things in life for granted? You’re not alone, and studies show it's very human. But here’s a way to find more joy…

The Science of Happiness Trailer

The Science of Happiness Trailer

What does it take to live a happier life? Learn research-tested strategies from award-winning psychologist Dacher Keltner, co-produced by…

Fostering Creativity in Kids

Fostering Creativity in Kids

We often think of creativity as being a personality trait rather than a skill that we can foster in our children. Which is it, really? Rona…

Looking for a Preschool?

Looking for a Preschool?

It's that time of year, when many parents are looking at preschools and try to make what is for some a very difficult decision. Rona and I…

Fighting a lot?

Fighting a lot?

Most spouses fight, but many do not know how to make-up in a way that repairs the relationship. Rona gives us a crash course in regaining…

Gratitude for Lovers

Gratitude for Lovers

Whether or not you are a romantic person, and whether or not you like Valentine's Day, here's my favorite romantic thing to do.

How Hectic Are Your Mornings?

How Hectic Are Your Mornings?

Rona and I are frequently asked how parents and caregivers can make morning routines go more smoothly. It's pretty common to have a lot of…

Is Yelling the New Spanking?

Is Yelling the New Spanking?

Most parents yell at their kids at one time or another, but as stress and exhaustion increase over the holidays, some parents yell more. Rona…

Raising Forgiving Kids

Raising Forgiving Kids

Is your child having a hard time forgiving a classmate for hurting his or her feelings? If you've got a grudge-holding or revenge-seeking…

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

A new slew of tips from Rona and I for fostering gratitude--and combating entitlement--in our children.

Working on the Weekend?

Working on the Weekend?

Are your weekends relaxing? Do you find time to rest and rejuvenate? If your answer was no, no, and no: you aren't alone. Many parents…

Do You Have Enough Friends?

Do You Have Enough Friends?

Feel like you no longer have any time for your friends? While you certainly aren't alone--especially among parents--friendships can…

Dealing with “Sass Mouth”

Dealing with “Sass Mouth”

Rona and I take another listener questions, this time from Nina, who writes: "Do you have any tips for handling 'back talk' from kids? We are…

Getting Kids to Play by Themselves

Getting Kids to Play by Themselves

This week, Rona and I take this listener question, from Anna: "I just watched your video about kids needing unstructured playtime. I have a…

Getting in Good Habits, part 2

Getting in Good Habits, part 2

Rona and I continue last week's discussion -- and specific instruction -- for getting into a new habit. Note: I reference (and recommend!) BJ…

Getting in Good Habits, part 1

Getting in Good Habits, part 1

It's one thing to know what you want to do to make your life better...and quite another to actually be able to do it. Last week Rona and I…

A Free Tool for Calmer Parenting

A Free Tool for Calmer Parenting

Mindfulness is an amazing tool for parents that both Rona and I use all the time. In this podcast, we review what mindful parenting actually…

The Art of Saying No

The Art of Saying No

Do you say "yes" every time someone asks you to do something? Rona and I discuss reasons to say "no" instead, and reveal our favorite tips…

Best Back-to-School Tips

Best Back-to-School Tips

Rona and my best tips for smooth-sailing in the morning as we go back-to-school: no yelling, no nagging, and no missed buses.

How to Encourage Kids

How to Encourage Kids

Continuing our discussion from last week about coaching, Rona and I parse out the difference between encouragement and praise for truly…

Happy Parent, Happy Child

Happy Parent, Happy Child

Want to know what happens to our nervous systems when all we do is check things off our task lists? Rona and I talk about a major happiness…

Are We Too Critical?

Are We Too Critical?

We all sometimes want others to change--especially our children. But does it work to criticize ourselves and others? Rona and I discuss the…

Does Ambition Make us Happy?

Does Ambition Make us Happy?

Our children are increasingly pushed to achieve, achieve, achieve. Will this make their lives successful, happy, and meaningful? Rona and I…

Is Happiness Selfish?

Is Happiness Selfish?

Do happy people focus on being more selfless than selfish? Rona and I discuss how self-love and self-compassion differ from selfishness, and…

Gratitude v. Entitlement

Gratitude v. Entitlement

Want to know what my #1 strategy for raising happy children is? It is the conscious practice of gratitude. Learn how and why to raise kids…

Forgive and Forget?

Forgive and Forget?

Is the old adage "forgive and forget" still good advice? Rona and I talk about the relationship between forgiveness and happiness, and we…

Is Divorce Always Bad for Kids?

Is Divorce Always Bad for Kids?

Rona and I are both divorced; we've both considered the issue deeply both personally and professionally. When is divorce better for kids than…

Parenting in a Media Age

Parenting in a Media Age

It seems like kids many kids know much more than us adults about the technology around us--a friend of mine just discovered that her 11 year…

Are You Addicted to Your Email?

Are You Addicted to Your Email?

Rona and I talk about the ways that email and social media (like Facebook and Twitter) can make us feel connected as well as disconnected…

Are You Your Partner’s Equal?

Are You Your Partner’s Equal?

What do you need out of your relationship? What are your priorities? This podcast is about creating harmony in our relationships--without…

Do You Have Family Meetings?

Do You Have Family Meetings?

If you've never had a family meeting, listen to this podcast! Rona and I talk about the ins and outs of having successful family meetings:…

Is Happiness the Right Goal?

Is Happiness the Right Goal?

I was recently challenged on the Laura Ingraham Show with the question of whether or not it is good for our society, or even for our children…

How Clean Is Your House?

How Clean Is Your House?

Ways to think about housekeeping when you have kids in the house--so that it doesn't drive you nuts, make you feel guilty, or consume too much time.

Does Your Teen Like Her Body?

Does Your Teen Like Her Body?

Although there are lots of powerful, and often pernicious, forces at work in influencing our how our kids feel about food and their bodies,…

Feeling Unhappy in Your Marriage?

Feeling Unhappy in Your Marriage?

Our expectations color our perceptions of everything, as well as how we feel. Is your spouse crumbling under the pressure of your high expectations?

HOW to Be Involved in Occupy

HOW to Be Involved in Occupy

Parents today are busier than ever--which makes it hard to get involved in national movements like Occupy. Here are three ways to make a difference.

Dieting and Shame

Dieting and Shame

We want the best for our children, and sometimes we want them to lose weight. Helping kids get healthy--without creating feelings of shame…

Why Not to Diet

Why Not to Diet

Rona and I discuss the reasons diets often don't work -- and how they can make us unhappy.

Making New Year’s Resolutions?

Making New Year’s Resolutions?

What would you like to change in the New Year? What would your kids like to change? Making New Year's resolutions can be a fun--and…

Wishing it Was Over Already?

Wishing it Was Over Already?

Rona and I talk about ways to manage the stress that sometimes comes during the holiday season--and that affects both our parenting and our happiness.

Kids Got the Gimmies?

Kids Got the Gimmies?

As the holiday marketing machine ramps up and the lists for Santa start to lengthen, Rona and I pause to reflect on what research shows…

Our Favorite Gratitude Practices

Our Favorite Gratitude Practices

Happy Thanksgiving! While you peel potatoes or drive to grandma's house, listen to this podcast about our favorite gratitude practices--for…

Why Gratitude Works

Why Gratitude Works

Rona and I talk about the science of gratitude, and why consciously practicing gratitude can boost our happiness so much.

Happiness is Contagious

Happiness is Contagious

Want to contribute to the greater good of society? Rona and I talk about why starting with yourself is a solid strategy for increasing other…

One Tip for Kids’ School Success

One Tip for Kids’ School Success

Are economists right: Is genetics the most powerful influence on kids' academic success? Rona and I talk about a frequently overlooked alternative.

Was That Me Yelling?!?

Was That Me Yelling?!?

I've decided 10,000 times never ever to yell at my children again. Rona gives me tips for getting my kids' attention without yelling.

Don’t Freak Out!

Don’t Freak Out!

Why it is so important for us parents to have healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and anxiety, as well as Rona and my tips for…

Kids Under Pressure

Kids Under Pressure

Mindfulness and stress management tips for helping stressed out kids from Rona and my own experience and also from Michelle Baily's book

To sign up—or not to sign up?

To sign up—or not to sign up?

Rona and I discuss the "decision tree" I use for deciding whether or not to sign my kids up for another activity. Here are a few questions…

Why We Overschedule our Children

Why We Overschedule our Children

Rona and I discuss the reasons that we parents are often tempted to let our kids do more after-school activities than we ever dreamed…

Getting Back into School Routines

Getting Back into School Routines

Rona and Christine talk about ways to start easing kids back into their school routines to make for a happier week of school. Part 1 of a 3…

Dealing with Kids’ Misbehavior

Dealing with Kids’ Misbehavior

All children do things that make us angry and embarrassed sometimes! This podcast address WHY they might be misbehaving. Rona guides us…

Finding Happiness in Intimacy

Finding Happiness in Intimacy

How do you bring up problems in your relationship with your partner? Rona and I give our tips for keeping your romantic relationship healthy…

Talking About Kids’ Stress

Talking About Kids’ Stress

Many kids are anxious, depressed, and stressed. They are self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, and they are cutting themselves. Let's…

Making Sleep a Priority

Making Sleep a Priority

Did you know how much children sleep affects how smart, creative, attentive, and happy they are -- as well as how much they weigh?

Making Changes in the New Year

Making Changes in the New Year

Are there big things about your kids that you'd like to change? Start by changing your kids' environment and their behavior will follow.

Happiness Break

Happiness Break

On our new series, Happiness Break, psychologist Dacher Keltner and guests guide you through research-based practices to develop more…

The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness

What does it take to live a happier life? Learn research-tested strategies that you can put into practice today. Hosted by award-winning…

Happiness Matters Podcast

Happiness Matters Podcast

Dr. Christine Carter and Nurse Rona Renner give parents tips for raising happy children and leading more joyful lives.

The Greater Good Podcast

The Greater Good Podcast

Leading researchers and thinkers explore the roots of compassion, happiness, morality, and more. Provocative, enlightening, and inspiring.